It is the
photographer, not the camera, but it does help to have a a large
arsenal of the latest, best and right equipment on hand to facilitate
any assignment, without the need to be at the mercy of camera rental shops.
Photographic Equipment - Ownership vs rental: It is not the
camera that is important, but rather the way a camera is used and the
execution of the assignment. The fact is that I have, at times, shot
several highly received photographs using the most basic of
equipment. Nevertheless, I have a very large collection of the most
advanced and precision cameras made. This includes the most advanced
and expensive digital and film cameras plus an extensive assortment
of lenses ranging from a 7.5mm fisheye all the way up to a 2000mm
ultra telephoto lens. Included in this array are unusual, but very
important when needed equipment such as an f.95 ultra low light level
lens, a rotating lens ultra-wide angle camera, under water equipment
and a variety of 3D (stereographic), and large format equipment
ranging up to 8"x10".
Ownership of equipment is not that important, particularly in
New York City, where almost anything can be rented. Ownership does,
however have the distinct advantage in that the equipment is always
available at moments notice at the fingertips of the photographer.
Equally as important, by owning the equipmewnt, the photographer is
completely familier with the equipments operation and can concentrate
on the assignment, rather than learning how the use the rented equipment.
It is not creative, if it does not sell? All to often, a
photographer concentrates soley on taking aninteresting photograph
and loses sight that the primary purpose of the photo is to either
convey an idea or to sell a product, service or , location. Artistic
talent, plus an eye on the end use is essential for taking a
successful photographs.
On Portfolios: When I see a portfolio filled with beautiful
sunsets and natural scenes, I tend to quickly and politely close the
book. My feeling is that nature created the photo and anyone with
even an automatic camera can capture it. This statement however, does
not apply to nature photographers who may wait hours or even days for
just the right moment, with just the right lighting at just the right angle
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